Joy and Nomi took the plunge and signed up for their first 10km running race ever in May 2010 in Singapore at the Sundown Race event...Then they trained for a half marathon in the fall of 2010, Joy's in Canada and Nomi's in Malaysia...Then, they finished their second-ever half marathon in Singapore May 2011 at the Sundown Race event, but this time they ran together!

Then their sporting paths diverged: Nomi went on to run marathons while Joy learned how to ride a bike. This blog charts their progress from 2010 to 2012.

Read their blog to see what their sporting adventures look like or just look at the pictures of Canada's capital city and Malaysia's capital city. You can choose the "follow" option or subscribe via email to be notified of updates. (You can start reading/skimming their first entries from the summer of 2010 or just jump right in, reading from any point you like. The "Archives" will be your guide.)

Friday, July 6, 2012

Beautiful Day......[Nomi's Second Marathon]

Nomi says,

So, Lulu wanted to run her first marathon this year and she wanted to run somewhere with pleasant weather and a very flat route. She suggested Gold Coast, Australia, we badgered our respective families into agreeing and thus, our great adventure began.

As with my previous marathon, i had a training plan all mapped out on a nice big calendar. And as with my training for the previous marathon...I couldn't really follow it. I tried to run at least 3 times in the gym during weekdays and tried to do a long run during weekends with Lulu. About 1 month before race day, we decided to do one long run of at least 30kms. If we could do that much, I was sure that we could finish 42kms. Lulu gave me a pair of CW-X compression tights, and i decided to try those out. Which was not a good idea. I was not used to them, and they compressed in ways that made my right knee and thigh hurt. So, I decided not to run anymore after that. I wanted my knee to recover for the marathon. I would go to the gym and use the various machines there to maintain my fitness, but not strain the joints. It was a compromise of sorts. If i didn't run anymore, my knee would recover. But, I knew that my endurance and strength would be affected to a certain degree. But I guess, as long as i could finish in time, it would do.

The weather in Gold Coast was expected to be in the range of 9 to 20C during the race. I had no idea what to wear. I live in a place with only 2 types of weather. Hot and dry or hot and wet...with haze intermittently.  I thought that I had to wear long sleeves, long tights, a wind cheater, a hat, a balaclava maybe, throw in some gloves, thick socks and make a thorough fool of myself :) ...So, i asked the Guru of Cold Weather -Joy, for her opinion...and she said, a sleeveless T and 3/4 tights would do. 'Cool and clear is the best weather to run in ', Joy said. Honestly, i was a little skeptical, cause she was used to sub-zero temperatures, but she would know cause she ran in similar weather during her first half marathon. So, a T-shirt and tights it would be. It was also raining in the days right up to the race, so i managed to get some plastic rainwear, which kind of looked like a garbage bag with a hood and sleeves. I assumed that the race would be well organized, so left my camelbak at home. I would rely on whatever hydration fluids provided but I did bring my GU gels. I also didn't bring my GPS. I would run with my usual pace and there probably would be pacers and distance markers by the road.
The day of race dawned bight and clear. It was truly a Beautiful Day. The rained had stopped the day before and temperatures were expected to be about 10 to 23 degrees. But to me it was still cold. It was about 14C before the race. It was like going to a big, big party . There were thousands of runners mingling around. Most were in sleeveless T's and shorts. Some were covered from head to toe, with wind cheaters, hand warmers, gloves, full tights, garbage bags with holes for the head and arms. And some were in costume too. There was a Japanese lady with a tutu and a veil, a few with short cotton kimonos over running gear, one dressed as a frog, one as 'Dragonball' , one in a superman costume, and there was an air of festivity and fun. The runners were categorized according to the expected finishing time. Me and Lulu were in wave D, which was 4 hr 30mins and thereafter. We made our way to our category.....and there were so few runners there, maybe less than 75 or so. The majority of them were in groups expecting to finish much earlier.

The gun went off at 7.20 am and it took 5 minutes before i crossed the start line. I think that this race was one of the nicest that i have run. The weather was wonderful. The route was through coastal roads alongside beautiful beaches, through suburbs along the sea and since it was a Sunday, a lot of residents had decided to come out and make an event of it. There were street musicians along the way Some people had barbies in their gardens, many were walking dogs, some stood by the road holding placards for people running the race, some stood in the boot of their pick up trucks with load hailers cheering the runners along and the participation from all these people and observers were fantastic. Strangers clapped, cheered you on, waved, called out your name on your bib, encouraged, told you what a good job you were doing, drivers honked and shouted encouragement from their cars, children stood by the road-side to touch your hand as you passed them and this was truly a novelty for me. These people made you feel welcome running in their neighborhoods.

My knee was fine in the beginning of the race. However, I did wonder if the Australian kilometer was longer than the Malaysian one. It felt like it took forever just to complete a kilometer. 1 hour and 10 minutes into the race, when all i ran was about 11kms or so, the elite runners were returning! There was a wave of Kenyans....soon followed by the elite runners and after another kilometer or so a hoard of A wave and B wave runners thundered pass. And I had only completer about a quarter of what i was supposed to do...The temperature may be moderate but the sunlight is strong. It was hot and blasting in my face for the longest time. Luckily i had a hat and sunglasses. I kept wondering about Lulu who only wore a bandana cause she was not used to hats or sunglasses. We had started of running together initially but we drifted away after a while.

After 25kms or so, i felt the muscles of my legs stiffen, tighten and become mildly uncooperative. However the knee held up and there was no outward discomfort from it. I stopped and drank at every hydration station. But, I think I probably drank too much cause I needed at least 3 toilet stops.The fluids provided were dilute and mildly 'detergent' tasting. But, something was better than nothing. Also, it was hot but quite dry. I could feel my skin baking and drying out in that strong glaring light. Somewhere before the 32km mark, Lulu caught up with me and we progressed together. However she soon started cramping up at 32kms or so. She couldn't move and was in a lot of pain. To cut a long story short, we had to walk after that. Despite hydrating herself and consuming energy gels, she did not get better. She knew that these cramps were from under -training, not electrolyte imbalance. I asked her to rest  by the road, to sit for a while, but she told me, 'Once i sit - i know i won't be able to get up again'. So, limp, hobble and push forward she did. I could see the frustration and pain she was in. She had been doing really well and if she didn't have cramps, she would have finished her first full marathon in very good time. After walking for about 6 kms or so, she told me to go on without her. She said - 'This is not what i wanted for you. You go on'.  By that time we had less than 4 kms left to go and a little more than an hour before cut off time. My legs were really hurting by then and I ran-walked to the finish line at 5 hr 54 mins. Lulu reached 5 minutes later. I am so proud of the both of us :) It was a good race to run I look forward to our next race together, hopefully with Joy too.

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